Picked at the Pinnacle
2ND Place competition Winner
This project was done for an annual AIGA competition called Beer & Branding. I teamed up with my bestfriend and fellow designer Alyssa Gardner to create all of the branding and touchpoints. The competition pairs you up with a local home brewer who brews a beer specifically for the competition, and then the design team creates branding for it. Every year there is a secret ingredient that the beer and branding must include; the year I competed it was peaches. The designs are voted by people’s choice at the event. We placed second!
Our brewer wanted to create a “crushable” beer that would be enjoyed at the end of the summer, transitioning into fall. We wanted to highlight the change of seasons and all the excitement that entails. We designed branding that had a sense of adventure. As a “Peach Wheat Ale” our beer could appeal to anyone, so we wanted the branding to do the same. After a lot of spitballing we came to agree on the “Picked at the Pinnacle” as the name.